In addition, flip simulation itself is quite a resource-intensive process, especially if we are talking about a large distance of movement. Therefore, optimization will also be a significant part of these videos.
And, of course, we will not bypass the new features of Houdini version 19.5 – new possibilities for creating and configuring a container, collisions, camera optimization, upresing already finished simulation, kelvin wakes and much more will be studied in these lessons.

Part 1. Basic simulation
1.01. start information
1.02. scene setup
1.03. velocity control
1.04. nose splash
1.05. engine source
1.06. adding waves
1.07. creating mesh
1.08. whitewater
1.09. flip mesh render
1.10. whitewater volume render
1.11. whitewter particle render
1.12. render tweaking
Part 2. Long distance foam
2.01. long distance foam
2.02. foam asset
2.03. render setup
2.04. kelvin wake
Part 3. Upresing simulation
3.01. new houdini 19 setup
3.02. upres simulation
Part 4. Big wave setup
4.01. big wave setup
4.02. mesh render
4.03. foam setup
4.04. flip splash source
4.05. flip splash setup
4.06. flip splash swirl
4.07. splash particles fade
4.08. mist
4.09. final render
Part 5. Compositing
5.01. compositing examples