In this lesson, we will take a detailed look at the Pyro simulation system. Have you ever tried to figure out how smokesolver or pyrosolver works? When I first started studying Houdini, asked myself this question many times. But every time I looked inside, I realized that without an explanation it would be difficult to figure it out for myself. And, in general, why? After all, it is unlikely that I will be able to improve it in any way, and do I need to change anything there at all? But, using textbooks and other materials, over time, I understood. And it really helped to better understand all the simulation processes. And this knowledge is needed, mainly, not in order to create your own solver or improve an existing one, but in order to manage the simulation process better. After all, knowing WHAT this or that parameter does is important, but it is much more useful to know HOW it does it.

Using the example of explosion simulations, I will show how we can control the simulation with the help of tools we have created, or by using the existing ones. Let’s consider how smoke solver, pyro solver (including SOP Pyro solver) works.
In addition, we will also consider the nuances of working with cache and visualization.

In general, in the course of almost 20 hours of video, we will look in detail the creation of 3 explosions from scratch. No plugins, just Houdini tools. Project files will be provided with the materials.

- Solver theory. (03:04:52)
- Intro (13:36)
- The Equations of Fluids (21:08)
- Simulation (11:15)
- Volumes (42:51)
- Custom solver (22:01)
- Advection (14:25)
- Collision (25:50)
- Smoke solver (33:44)
- Ground explosion. (06:51:36)
- Use pyro burst source (22:03)
- POP source (34:09)
- Jitter points (05:05)
- Noise setup (20:01)
- Velocity source (13:35)
- Rasterizing attributes (07:20)
- DOP network (15:42)
- Divergence (36:04)
- Repeating simulation (15:08)
- Small fix (05:29)
- Turbulence (24:50)
- Disturbance (23:41)
- Vortex confinement (13:40)
- Color mask (28:23)
- Render setup (22:30)
- Vorticles (32:41)
- Add spikes (10:24)
- Shockwave (22:00)
- Dust and debris (36:49)
- Use blur mask (21:53)
- Big explosion. (06:31:19)
- Explosion source (31:57)
- DOP setup (33:32)
- Microsolvers (27:16)
- Extra source (26:46)
- Tweaking source (11:32)
- Add color mask (24:42)
- Additional simulation (15:28)
- Render core simulation (30:43)
- Render dust simulation (32:03)
- Shockwave simulation (25:07)
- Shockwave improvement (11:55)
- Shockwave render (11:55)
- Final fixes (09:54)
- Debris simulation (51:51)
- Noise from rest (22:20)
- Smoke solver sparse (24:11)
- Fuel explosion. (03:00:45)
- Legacy pyro solver (30:24)
- Sparse pyro solver (25:41)
- SOP pyro solver (17:08)
- Fuel explosion (38:11)
- Fuel explosion variations (17:03)
- Multiple explosions (12:25)
- Multiple wedge explosions (31:12)
- Final renders (08:38)

IMPORTANT!!! I send links to download the material manually, so it may take some time after payment. If there is no link for 24 hours, write to me.